The Air Filter.
Your a/c unit draws air in through your home, and then cools it, where it sends it back out through your vents. When it draws in air, it also sucks in dust and other pollutants in the air. You dont want all that junk moving through your a/c unit, so its recommended that you use a clean air filter. Inspect your air filter and see if its clean. Ideally, you ought to change your filter once every thirty days or so. If the filter is unclean, your unit is going to work too hard to pull air into the condenser. If this occurs, the unit might freeze up or breakdown altogether. So make certain your filter is clean.
The air thats brought into the unit travels through cooling coils that cool the air. If the coils are unclean, not much air is going to get through, and your home or apartment is going to stay hot. You can clean the coils yourself, or you can hire a professional. Youll need to use an acid mixture to clean the coils, so it can be a hazardous process Air Conditioner Repairs Tucson Arizona . Clean coils however, mean cooler air, so make sure those coils stay clean throughout the summertime.
Make sure your a/c unit has a lot of Freon. You should only need to charge your a/c unit with more Freon once a year. Any more than that, and you might have a leak. Finding a leak is hard however, therefore you might need to hire somebody to come out and do it for you.
Your a/c unit should be examined at the start of summer so that it can provide you with cool air all season long. Dont invest money if you dont need to. Try every one of these suggestions first, and then if you absolutely have to, call the A/C guy out to make certain your unit is still working. It may be that you need a new a/c unit entirely, however, youll be glad you bought one when your residence remains cool as the days get hotter and hotter.